I’ve stored my Robotic Glockenspiel on its side since I finished it in April (it’s huge). The other day I opened the lid and found, to my horror, that the breadboard had completely pulled away from its adhesive pad – only the wires are keeping the breadboard from falling off completely!

I immediately started shopping for breadboards with mounting holes and, strangely, didn’t have much luck finding any. Meanwhile, I saw a project photo where the designer had put screws through a sheet of plywood into the breadboard. Wouldn’t that risk shorting out the power supply to ground? I had to learn more.
A little investigation revealed that my breadboards did have mounting holes… hidden underneath the adhesive pad, and not mentioned in the datasheet.

A little more surgical cutting revealed the hole, but avoided exposing the power and ground rails. All I have to do now is find the right size screw and I can mount my breadboards securely in my projects.

I’m disappointed these holes aren’t described in the datasheet, because that means when you buy a solderless breadboard you don’t know whether you’re getting one with mounting holes. Anyone know why the manufacturers don’t seem to advertise this feature?