Due to an attack on the old, out-of-date Needhamia.com web site, I’ve rebuilt the site on a modern host, rebuilding from LibreOffice files of the old posts to avoid transferring any infection from the old site.
Continue reading Needhamia Emmigrates to a New Needhamia.comMonthly Archives: May 2021
The High Cost of Owning a Clock
…or why you should learn to maintain your own clock.
So you’re looking at that clock in the antique mall window. Perhaps it’s a lovely old Sessions Black Mantel clock, with lion heads and metal arches. It runs, and it’s only $90, so you take it home.
Continue reading The High Cost of Owning a ClockClock Repair: My Meager Knowledge of the Hardness of Metals
It’s taken me a while to learn some basic metallurgy that I need for clock repair. When I started I scratched up my brass clock plates by cleaning with SOS pads – steel wool – because I didn’t know that steel is harder than brass. In this post I collect what I’ve picked up in this metals game of Scissors, Paper, Rock.
Continue reading Clock Repair: My Meager Knowledge of the Hardness of MetalsHow to Use Git Revision Control
GIT is a file-revision control system, popular for open source projects because it supports widely-dispersed development teams. Unlike earlier revision control systems, it has no central server: each user has a separate copy of all the file revisions.
GitHub has a nice cheat sheet to use once you’re familiar with Git.
Continue reading How to Use Git Revision ControlGetting Started With 3D Printing
One of the things holding me back from 3D printing for so long was learning what tools I needed and how to use them. It’s relatively easy to print things once you have a design: Cults3D, Hubs, and many others (including your friends who have printers) can print your designs, your local library may have printers for you to use, or you can buy a printer for a few hundred dollars.
Continue reading Getting Started With 3D Printing