Tag Archives: paperback

Adding a Link inside your Vellum Paperback

Links are very handy in eBooks generated by Vellum, but how do you add links inside your paperback? This post covers one alternative: QR Codes.

What is a QR Code?

A QR, “Quick Response” code is a 2-dimensional barcode, that can represent arbitrary text. In your paperbacks, you can use QR codes to embed URLs – links to web pages – for your web site and for your books’ pages on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, etc.

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Choosing the List Price of My IngramSpark Paperback

UPDATE September 9, 2023: I’ve changed all our books on IngramSpark from “Returns=Yes-Destroy” to “Returns=No”, after reading Lisa Chavari’s April 2023 post, “Why my books are no longer returnable through Ingram“.

Once you’ve written your self-published paperback book, how do you choose a list price for it? How much will you make per book? How will book returns affect how much you make? And what about the list price in different countries, with different currencies?

This post covers my attempt to answer those questions for myself, printing and distributing a paperback book through IngramSpark. Please come along for the ride!

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