Tag Archives: Electronics

WiFi and Steppers and Slots! Oh, My!

The Lunar Clock project is starting to feel real!

After having no luck making the ESP8266 work with an Arduino Mega, I switched back to the wonderful Sparkfun CC3000 WiFi Shield. It is playing nice with the Mega now – with an interposed Sparkfun TransmogriShield to convert the Mega SPI pins to the Uno pins that many Shields expect. Update: I replaced both these retired boards in a later post.

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How to Soften LED Light with a Ping Pong Ball

Some time ago I read that you can use a ping pong ball to soften the harsh light of an LED, so I thought I’d try it out.

Step 0: pick out a white ping pong ball. I used a standard 40mm ball; I could have used a 35mm Foosball instead.

Step 1: make a hole in the ping pong ball to hold your LED. For a 5mm LED, an ice pick heated on a stove top is an handy tool for making that hole. I haven’t tried a drill press, but that seems another possibility.

Ping Pong ball with hole for LED
Ping Pong ball with hole for LED

Step 2: set up a circuit to blink an LED, perhaps using an Arduino Pro Mini.

LED ready for the ping pong ball diffuser
LED ready for the ping pong ball diffuser

Step 3: press the ping pong ball onto the LED. For a more permanent mechanical connection, you could glue the LED into the ping pong ball using a hot glue gun.

Step 4: Enjoy the magical, diffuse light of the LED in the ping pong ball. You may need to turn out the lights to see it well. Have a look at my Blinking Ping Pong Ball LED video of the result.

So a ping pong ball really is a quick and easy light diffuser for your LEDs – disco time! …or you can paint pupils on them to create blinking night-creature eyes as in this Hidden Creatures Arduino & LED Blinking Eyes Kit video.

The glorious ping pong ball LED light diffuser
The glorious ping pong ball LED light diffuser